Window Operations * STW.

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Window Operations * STW.

"t" - Flag "text"

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


"t" - Flag "text"

Search Top Window





This flag is one of the most important search parameters. It is the window-text. Most often you can even see the text of a top-window without using the windows-Inspector.

Here is the simplest case how you can grab a window.





The text parameter is a string-value and therefore supports 3.2 Standard-Search Pattern .

Let us try some of these.


As always with  Search patterns, it is enough to give a unique part of the value. By default the text is not case sensitive. You can change that behavior using the search patterns. Take the sample-script below and replace the line:


' Locate the window



with the following lines. This will help you to understand the use of Patterns for text search.


' Lets start with this



This will force the text to be case-sensitive! Try this:


' This will not find the window

' because of case-sensitivity!



It does not find the window because the &DOCAPS: switches case-sensitivity on.

Now how about this:


STW.t|{&EXACT:bcs - Testform}


It does find the window. But then whats the "&EXACT:" good for?

Try this:


STW.t|{&EXACT:bcs - Testf}


It does not find the window because the &EXACT: switches off the default behavior that a part of the text is enough. CAn it be combined with the &DOCAPS: ?


We try. This should work:

STW.t|{&EXACT:&DOCAPS:BCS - Testform}

and this should not work:

STW.t|{&EXACT:&DOCAPS:bCS - Testform}


Yes, everything work as expected.


Do you know the old times, when you had simple Wildcards as patterns?  The"*" and the "?" ?


You can have them back if you want. Try this:


STW.t|{&WILDC:b?? - Testform}


Yes, it works. And how about:


STW.t|{&WILDC:b?? - Tes*orm}


STW.t|{&WILDC:b?? - *s*or?}


It works.

We kept them for you.

You can still use even the old DOS-Patterns if you really want.

But there is much more if you use the new patterns.


How about a fuzzylogic and a OR'ed combination of two patterns?


STW.t|{&WILDC:b?? }&OR:{BCS-tesform&FUZZY:6}


and you can not only combine two patterns, you can combine as many patterns using &OR: as you like! If you want to support many languages, this is the way to go.


No matter if there is a "YES" on that button or a "Qui" or whatever. So long you know it, or at least a bit of it, you can locate it using Search patterns.






' Close all such windows if there are some open

CAW.PBWindowClass:0|BCS - Testform


EXE.?exepfad\Sample Apps\BSC-Testform.exe


' Locate the window



' Close the window

CAW.PBWindowClass:0|BCS - Testform














See also:


    3.2 Standard-Search Pattern

    "c" - Flag - STW.