String-Commands * TXT-Command

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String-Commands * TXT-Command

Text-File Operations

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)



Text-File Operations commands





These commands are the easy way to work through Textfiles.

What you can do:

1.Load and Save Textfiles,csv-Files

2.Process Textfiles from an internal Cache without need to access the Filesystem

3.Process csv- or delimited Textfiles in multiple ways with a high Speed. Typical real life example are about 1600 - 2000 Lines per second.

4.Store Textfile in Variable (with or without Filename)

5.Restore Textfile from Variable (with or without Filename)

6.Store TXT.-Files in an internal Memory and restore it from there using the TXT.Push_Intern / TXT.Pop_Intern Commands.

7.Remove, insert or Swap colums in a csv-File.

8.Get the Linenumber of a Byte-Position in a Textfile

9.Get the complete Line of specified a Linenumber

10.Get all Lines from specific  line to the start or end of text

11.Get the start or end of a Line from a specified Byte-Position

12.Change specfied Lines (replace with a specified line)

13.Get Textfile from the LOF./LFT.-Command or

14.Move a textfile to the LOF./LFT.-Command

15.several Replace Operations and more.



Here is a Quick and incomplete Overview on the Commands:



Load a Textfile int othe internal Buffer for Processing

  ' $$FIL - Filename

  ' $$RES (optional) Returns Number of loaded lines




Clear the internal Buffer




' Get Filename of File in Buffer




' Get lenght of loaded Text in Bytes




' Move Textfile including  Filename to Variable




' Move Textfile including  Filename to Variable and clear internal Buffer




' Get Textfile including Filename from Variable




' Load Pure-Textfile and Filename from 2 Variables




' "Get Pure Text". Only Textfile into $$TXT. If available, $$FIL returns the Filename




' "Get Line Count". Get number of loaded lines. 




' Get Line Number $$NUM into $$LIN

' TXT.gel|$$NUM|$$LIN



' Return Line $$LIN, like "gel" but left side trimmed (all ASC 0-32 removed)




' Return Line $$LIN, like "gel" but both sides trimmed (all ASC 0-32 removed)




' Overwrite Line $$NUM with new Line $$NEW (Replace Line)




' Get position of first and last character of line $$NUM into $$POS and last into $$POE




' Get linenumber from Byte-Position $$POS into $$LIN




' Get start/end of Line by Byte-Position in Text




' Find Line with String. Search first occurence of $$SEA in Textfile, return the Line-Number which has it in $$LIN. 
' Falls angegeben suche ab (inkl.) Zeile $$STA




' $$SEA - Searchstring

' $$FRO - Search from (B)yte or (L)ine

' Returns:

' |$$POT - Postion in Text

' |$$POL - Postion in Line

' |$$LIN - Complete Line

' |$$LNN - Linenumber|$$SEA|$$FRO[|$$POT][|$$LIN][|$$LNN]




' "Get Before Line". Get all Text that is before and without the specified line into $$BLT.




' "Get After Line". Get all Text that is After and without the specified line into $$ALT.|$$LIN|$$ALT



' Get all Text from and including the specified line until the start of the text




' Get all Text from and including the specified line until the end of the text




' Save Text under the Filename with which it was loaded from, or if specified with the specified Filename

' Leaves a result on the TOS, NTFSD-Enabled




' Get from LOF # will load Textfile from LOF. Index Number $$IND




' To lof cache # will put Textfile into LOF. Cache Index Number $$IND




' "replace_in_text". Do a replace over the complete text using a Equalcase-Replace Algo.

' TXT.rit|$$OLD|$$NEW



' "replace_in_line". Do a replace only in the specified Line using a Equalcase-Replace Algo.|$$LIN|$$OLD|$$NEW[|$$STA]


Search a Text in the TXT.-internal Buffer and replace it with a given other sequence. Will replace all occurrences.



Using TXT.tra there is a 1:1 relation between the characters in $$OLD and the characters in $$NEW.

So if a character in $$OLD is found its replaced with the corresponding Character in $$NEW

Therefore both - $$OLD and $$NEW - MUST have the same lenght, esle there will be no changes and you will get the Timeout Flag set.





' Load and convert Unicode-File to ANSI




' Convert ANSI-File to Unicode and save (using default codepage)




' Convert ANSI-String to Unicod with default Codepage




' Convert Unicod with default Codepage to ANSI-String






See also:


    LOF. - Load-Text-File

    LFT. - Line-From-Text