Stable Diffusion Commands

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Stable Diffusion Commands

SDL. - JSON Structure

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


SDL. - JSON Structure

These Parameters can be used with Text-to-Image



Script 1


To make it more easy to use the Parameters, here is the JSON Structure with the variable already prefixed.

You can just copy and use each line "as is".


$$EXT+"enable_hr": false,

$$EXT+"denoising_strength": 0,

$$EXT+"firstphase_width": 0,

$$EXT+"firstphase_height": 0,

$$EXT+"hr_scale": 2,

$$EXT+"hr_upscaler": "string",

$$EXT+"hr_second_pass_steps": 0,

$$EXT+"hr_resize_x": 0,

$$EXT+"hr_resize_y": 0,

$$EXT+"hr_sampler_name": "string",

$$EXT+"hr_prompt": "",

$$EXT+"hr_negative_prompt": "",

$$EXT+"prompt": "",

$$EXT+"styles": ["string"],

$$EXT+"seed": -1,

$$EXT+"subseed": -1,

$$EXT+"subseed_strength": 0,

$$EXT+"seed_resize_from_h": -1,

$$EXT+"seed_resize_from_w": -1,

$$EXT+"sampler_name": "string",

$$EXT+"batch_size": 1,

$$EXT+"n_iter": 1,

$$EXT+"steps": 50,

$$EXT+"cfg_scale": 7,

$$EXT+"width": 512,

$$EXT+"height": 512,

$$EXT+"restore_faces": false,

$$EXT+"tiling": false,

$$EXT+"do_not_save_samples": false,

$$EXT+"do_not_save_grid": false,

$$EXT+"negative_prompt": "string",

$$EXT+"eta": 0,

$$EXT+"s_min_uncond": 0,

$$EXT+"s_churn": 0,

$$EXT+"s_tmax": 0,

$$EXT+"s_tmin": 0,

$$EXT+"s_noise": 1,

$$EXT+"override_settings": {},

$$EXT+"override_settings_restore_afterwards": true,

$$EXT+"script_args": [],

$$EXT+"sampler_index": "Euler",

$$EXT+"script_name": "string",

$$EXT+"send_images": true,

$$EXT+"save_images": false,

$$EXT+"alwayson_scripts": {}



Official JSON Structure

of the Automatic1111 (SDL.-Command)  API:



  "styles": [
  "override_settings": {},
  "script_args": [],
  "alwayson_scripts": {}