Errors for Stable Diffusion

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Errors for Stable Diffusion

Error Explanations based on the http-Status

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


Errors for Stable Diffusion

Error Explanations based on the http-Status


Source: Stability AI - Developer Platform


Status 400:

 **400 General error for invalid parameters**

      This is a generic error message that indicates one or more of the parameters provided in your request are invalid. The specific errors are listed below.

2. **invalid_samples**: This error indicates that the "Sample count" parameter is invalid. It should be greater than 1 only when the "Accept" header is set to "area eas".

3. **invalid_height_or_width**: This error indicates that the height and width parameters are invalid. They must be specified in increments of 64.

4. **invalid_file_size**: This error indicates that the file size of one or more of the provided files is invalid.

5. **invalid_mime_type**: This error indicates that the MIME type of one or more of the provided files is invalid.

6. **invalid_image_dimensions**: This error indicates that the dimensions of the provided initial image and mask image do not match.

7. **invalid_mask_image**: This error indicates that the parameter "mask_source" was set to "MASK_IMAGE_WHITE" or "MASK_IMAGE_BLACK", but no mask image was provided.

8. **invalid_prompts**: This error indicates that one or more of the prompts contains filtered words.

9. **invalid_pixel_count**: This error indicates that an incorrect number of pixels were specified. The requirements are:

   - For 512 engines: 262,144 ≤ height * width ≤ 1,048,576

   - For 768 engines: 589,824 ≤ height * width ≤ 1,048,576

10. **invalid_sdxl_v222_dimensions**: This error indicates that incorrect dimensions were specified for the SDXL v2-2-2 engine. The requirements are:

   - Neither height nor width may be below 128.

   - Only one of height or width may be above 512 (e.g., 512x768 is valid but 578x768 is not).

   - The maximum dimensions supported are 512x896 or 896x512.

11. **invalid_sdxl_v1_dimensions**: This error indicates that incorrect dimensions were specified for the SDXL v0.9 or v1.0 engine. Valid dimensions include 1024x1024, 1152x896, 1216x832, 1344x768, 1536x640, 640x1536, 768x1344, 832x1216, or 896x1152.


Status 401:

API-Key invalid or missing


Status 403: 


This error indicates that you do not have the necessary permissions to perform the requested action. 
You may encounter this error if you are trying to access a resource or perform an operation that requires special permissions, and your current user role or account does not have those permissions granted.

To resolve this issue, you may need to check your account permissions, contact the system administrator, or ensure you're authenticated properly if the system requires login.


Status 404:  


This error indicates that the requested resource was not found. 

For instance, you may encounter this error if you specify a model that does not exist. 

To resolve this issue, you need to check the identifier or name of the resource you're trying to access. 

Make sure it is valid and that the resource exists in the system or directory where you're looking.


Status 500: 

This error indicates that an unexpected server error has occurred. 

This is a general message and can be caused by different kinds of issues on the server side, such as a software or hardware crash, a network error, or problems with the server's operating system. 

To resolve this issue, it is often necessary to contact the system administrators or the server's support team to investigate the problem.



SDO.-Command Prompts that will fail

Online Services have Censorship included:


Server-based cloud services as they are usef with SDO. have become integral to our digital lives, but with their rise, the need for effective censorship has grown.

Censorship is assumed to protect users from harmful, offensive, or illegal content, including hate speech, explicit material, and misinformation.

It also should help to prevent cybercrime, such as phishing and malware distribution, and most important ensures compliance with varying international laws and regulations.

Here you can see what i mean:


If you use:

"Young sexy Women (3),colored hair(9),smiling (4),long legs,six arms(1)" 


you may get this return:




You may think "aah its because of the six arms?"

No, thats not the problem. You need to remove the word "sexy" or use:


"Young ugly Women (3),colored hair(9),smiling (4),long legs,six arms(1)"   


this will make the censorship happy and you will get a result.



This is the result of censorship in the digital age.













See also: