AIC. - Recording Commands

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AIC. - Recording Commands

AIC.Create Rec Button

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


AIC.Create Rec Button

Creates a Record Button with dynamic text.





The AIC.Create Rec Button command creates a button that can be used to start or stop a recording.

The button's text and behavior can be customized using the P1 and P2 parameters.


The concept of the "Record" button is to have a background-running button whose status—whether it's pressed or not—can be accessed from your Script.

You can initiate the recording through a separate command, and then clicking this button will terminate the recording by internally altering the recording state.

Essentially, you can start recording an MP3 file with one command and stop it by simply clicking the button.

You can customize the button's behavior using the available parameters. For instance, you can set the button to disappear immediately upon clicking.

Alternatively, you can keep the button visible at all times, allowing you to start and stop various tasks, such as recording, with a simple click.


Generally the Record-Button has 2 States, "START" and "STOP"-State.

While Recording the State of the Record-Button is "1" and the Button shows "STOP".


If you press the Button, the State switches from "1" to "0" and from "0" to "1".

' You can get the current Status of the Record-Button

AIC.Get Rec State|$$STA

' You can change the state of the Recording

AIC.Set Rec State|$$STA


' Close the Recording Button with

AIC.End Rec Button


If you do not want to press the button and instead react "on Mouseover" you can use:


' Get 0/1 if Mouse is over the Record-Button

AIC.Get MouseOver State|$$STA


There are some more Commands that are used with this "Record-Button".


' Change Text on the Button

AIC.Set RecordButton Text|$$TXT




Here you can see the



clip0802   clip0803

         AIC.Create Rec Button|1|0|0                   AIC.Create Rec Button|0|0



clip0806   clip0807

 AIC.crb|1|0|1                                AIC.crb|0|0|1






AIC.Create Rec Button[|P1][|P2][|P3]





Parameter Explanation


P1: Determines the initial text on the button. If set to 0, the text will be "STOP". If set to 1, the text will be "START".

P2: Determines the button's behavior when clicked. If set to 1, the button will end its function when clicked. If set to 0, the button will toggle its text between "START" and "STOP" when clicked. In that case

P3: 0 - Only a STOP / START - Button
     1 - Has 2 Buttons








' AIC.-Sample


' We create a Recording Button, to be able to stop the recording

AIC.Create Rec Button|1|0


' This Loop is endless unless you move the Mouse over the Record Button


  ' Get Mouseover State






' Close the Recording Button with

AIC.End Rec Button


















See also: