Stable Diffusion - Shared Commands 

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 Stable Diffusion - Shared Commands 

SDL.Ensure Equal Dimension / SDL.Eed

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


SDL.Ensure Equal Dimension / SDL.Eed

Generates a PNG image based on a given image (P1), resized to match the dimensions of a reference image (P2).





The SDL.Ensure Equal Dimension command is designed to create a new PNG image with dimensions that match those of a reference image (P2).

This command is particularly useful for ensuring that mask images are the same size as the original image.

The images themselves are not altered; instead, a temporary PNG image is generated, and its file path is returned.

The new image is based on an existing image (P1).


Special case: If a "!" prefix is used with P1, and P2 is invalid, the original path of P1 is returned otherwise in case of P2 being invalid nothing is returned.








SDL.Ensure Equal Dimension|P1|P2[|P3]




Parameter Explanation


P1 - OriginalImageFilePath: Specifies the file path of the image to be resized.
      If P2 is invalid, nothing is returned, unless you specify a "!" as prefix to P1.


P2 - ReferenceImageFilePath: Specifies the file path of the reference image. The new PNG image will match these dimensions.


P3 - (Optional): Result-TempFilePath: A variable to store the file path of the newly generated PNG image. If omitted, the result is placed on TOS.







' SDL.-Sample for ensuring equal dimension


$$IMG1 = ?path/to/image1.png

$$IMG2 = ?path/to/reference_image.png

SDL.Ensure Equal Dimension|$$IMG1|$$IMG2|$$TMP

' A new PNG image is created with dimensions matching $$IMG2,

' and its file path is stored in $$TMP

















See also: