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1.6.2. Looping around

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Looping around

Understanding Loops: The Power of Repetition



A conveyor belt is a good example of a repetitive activity



Looping around - what is "a Loop"?


Computers excel at performing repetitive tasks, tasks that might be monotonous if done manually. Let's delve into the concept of 'loops', a fundamental principle in programming that enables this powerful repetition. We'll begin with a straightforward example to ease your understanding.


Assume you want to count from 1 to 50. In a script you could do it like this:


'  This the most complicated way to do it.

' Init counter variable

: §§CNT=1

' This is just a Label (jump mark)


' Print the actual number


'Increment the number (do a +1)


' Leave the Loop, if we are above 50




' Jump back to the start of our Loop


' Another Label



This is really a long script for a loop!

Lets try to a shorter version. We can change the "IVV." to a JIV.-command.


' Init counter variable

: §§CNT=1

' This is just a Label (jump mark)


' Print the actual number


'Increment the number (do a +1)


' Leave the Loop, if we are above 50


' Jump back to the start of our Loop


' Another Label



This will work but is not really a lot shorter. If we choose a JME. instead we will save one more line, because JME. make an Auto-Increment if we use the ">" operator. I'll also add some statements that do a time-measurement.:


' Remember actual time


' Init counter variable

: §§CNT=1

' This is just a Label (jump mark)


' Print the actual number


' Leave the Loop, if we are above 50 and Auto-Increment


' Jump back to the start of our Loop


' Another Label


' Get time since last call to #dtime#


' Tell me how long time the execution needed.



If you run the script in the editor, you can see that we needed for example about 4 seconds. If you would run it as a compiled executable, it will easily be 100 or more times faster.





The FOR .. NEX.-Loop

At this point, we could get a bit simpler when using JOR. I'll leave that for yourself to try. Instead we will now take the proper way of a "counting loop".  It is the "FOR. ... NEX."-Loop.


Imagine you want to count from 1 to 10. How would you do that?

You would start counting with 1 ... 2 ... until you reach 10.


That is what the FOR. ... NEX. command is doing. If we count like In our example, from 1 to 10, it would look like this:


' This will count from 1 to 10


' ... we can do something with the number in $$CNT



It will start counting from a given value (in our example it is 1), until another given value (in the example 10)  is reached. All the way, we have the actual value in the variable $$CNT.


FOR. .. NEX. has several Modes of Operation to match all your needs.


First, you can specify a STEP-value. It will look like this:







You will see an Output in the Editor-Debug-Area like this:




The [9] tells you that the DBP.$$CNT command was in line 9 of our script. More important are the other numbers. They start with 1 and then the Counter always adds 3.

That's exactly the step-value we have given!


Here is another example, like the one we made before.


' Start our stop-watch


' Init counter variable


' Print the actual number



' Get the time how long we needed.






How many seconds does it need on your computer?  Using the proper counting loop, we saved a lot of lines and made all the same in for example 2 seconds!





Do we need loops to wait for something?

Lets think of a situation, where we are waiting for files to appear or disappear.


Normally we do not need to use a loops to wait for one event to happen. The reason is that such loops are already built in. For example, to wait for a file, we can simply use the  WFF. - "Wait For File" Instruction. We would write:




to wait for the specified file to appear. In the opposite case, that we need to wait for a file to disappear, we would add a "<>" like that:




This will wait for the file to "Not be there". You can also specify a timeout and test if the timeout time was reached, using the ITO.  "If Time Out" - Instruction.


The same applies for many other tasks, where we can use the "Wait-For" Instruction Group.


But what do we do, if we want to wait for "one of several files" to appear?


I am using files in this example, but the same applies to any other system-object. Like windows, processes, or whatever.


To do this we must construct our own loop. This time we do not need to count anything, We need just to "Loop in a circle" until things happen.Like an endless loop. Until something happens. When this thing we are waiting for happens, then we leave the loop and do something.