DLT. - DeepL Translate

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DLT. - DeepL Translate

DLT.Set Formality

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


DLT.Set Formality

Sets formality level for DeepL translations





The DLT.Set Formality command is used to adjust the formality level of the translations produced by the DeepL Translator.

This command is particularly useful when the target language has clear formal and informal modes of speech.
By adjusting the formality level, you can make the translated text more suitable for different contexts.
For instance, setting the formality to "more" would be suitable for formal business communications or academic writing, making the language used more polite and respectful. On the other hand, setting the formality to "less" would be suitable for casual conversations or social media posts, making the language used more relaxed and friendly.


To set the formality to more formal, you would use:


DLT.Set Formality|More


This will result in translations that are more formal, suitable for business communications or formal letters. For example, a casual English phrase like "What's up?" might be translated into German as "Wie geht es Ihnen?" instead of the more casual "Wie geht's?".


To set the formality to more informal, you would use:


DLT.Set Formality|Less


This will result in translations that are more casual, suitable for informal conversations or social media posts. For example, a formal English phrase like "How do you do?" might be translated into Spanish as "¿Cómo estás?" instead of the more formal "¿Cómo le va?".






DLT.Set Formality[P1] … ELS. … EIF.



Parameter Explanation


P1 - (optional) The formality setting. This can be "default", "more", "less", "prefer_more", or "prefer_less".


"default": The DeepL Translator will use the default formality level.

"more": The DeepL Translator will use a more formal language. This is suitable for formal communications.

"less": The DeepL Translator will use a more informal language. This is suitable for casual conversations.

"prefer_more": The DeepL Translator will use a more formal language if available, otherwise it will fall back to the default formality.

"prefer_less": The DeepL Translator will use a more informal language if available, otherwise it will fall back to the default formality.

If P1 is neither of these values, it will be treated as invalid and set to the default value "default".









DLT.Set Formality|Less
DLT.Set Formality|More

















See also: