AIL. - AI-Local Systems (GPT4All)

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AIL. - AI-Local Systems (GPT4All)

AIL.Set Number

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AIL.Set Number

Set the number of AI model-generated responses






The AIL.Set Number command provides the ability to specify the number of outputs or responses that the GPT4All AI model generates per input request.
This can be especially useful when seeking a variety of responses to a single input or for brainstorming purposes.


The parameter P1 is an integer value that signifies the desired number of AI-generated responses.

If P1 is set to "0", it is automatically reset to "1".
This means the AI will generate one output response for each input request by default.




Set the number of outputs to three:

AIL.Set Number|3

This command sets the number of output responses to 3 for each input request.


This Command will use an internal Loop to call the AI several times with the same Input and store the Output.

Of course each call will use Tokens.






AIL.Set Number|P1



Parameter Explanation


P1 - This is an integer representing the desired number of output responses from the AI.

       If this parameter is set to "0", it is automatically reset to "1".

























See also: