AI - Internet Commands

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AI - Internet Commands

AIC.Set Proxy On

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


AIC.Set Proxy On
Enable or disable the use of a Proxy Server






The AIC.Set Proxy On command (abbreviated as AIC.SPO) is used to enable or disable the use of a Proxy Server in the Smart Package Robot AI-Commands.

This command can be used in conjunction with the AIC.Set Proxy Server command, which sets the parameters for the Proxy Server such as IP address, login credentials, and password.

Please be careful when using this command together with the GPT4All Commands as they will also try to use the Proxy Server if it is turned on!

This was done due to the fact that GPT4All can also be used in Networks using the AIC.Change GPT4all URL - Command.

Using this Command you can switch On and Off the Proxy Server quickly at any time, the Parameters from the AIC.Set Proxy Server Command will be stored internally until the Script ends.




AIC.Set Proxy On|0 or 1



Example Usage:


AIC.Set Proxy On|1


This example enables the Use of the Proxy-Server.







AIC.Set Proxy On[|P1]




Parameter Explanation

P1 - opt. <Number>: The parameter P1 can be set to either 0 or 1.
 0: This value disables the Proxy Server.

 1: This value enables the Proxy Server.

 If P1 is not specified, the default value is 1, which means the Proxy Server will be turned on by default.

The command leaves the state of the Proxy-Server on the TOS.





' EXAMPLE 1: AIC.-Commands


' Set OpenAI API-Key from the saved File



' This will switch on the Proxy Server for all following AI-Operations

' You can easily switch off the Proxy Server at any time, the Parameters

' will be stored internally until the Script ends

AIC.Set Proxy Server||LoginMe|MyPassword

AIC.SetProx ON|1


' Set Model



' Set Model-Temperature



' Set Max-Tokens (Possible lenght of answer, depending on the Model up to 2000 Tokens which is about ~6000 characters)

' The more Tokens you use the more you need to pay.



' We will create 4 alternative answers

AIC.Set Proxy On|4


' Ask Question and receive answer to $$RET

AIC.Ask_Completion|What is a "Windows Button"?|$$RET








Please be careful when using this command together with the GPT4All Commands as they will also try to use the Proxy Server if it is turned on!

This was done due to the fact that GPT4All can also be used in Networks using the AIC.Change GPT4all URL - Command.

If GPT4All runs local it is recommended to turn the Proxy-Server off.






See also: