Open AI TTS (Text-to-Speech)

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Open AI TTS (Text-to-Speech)

AIC.Set TTS Voice Any

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AIC.Set TTS Voice Any

Select a Text-to-Speech voice by name without internal processing





The `AIC.Set TTS Voice Any` command allows for the direct selection of a Text-to-Speech (TTS) voice based solely on its name.

This command is different from `AIC.Set TTS Voice` in that it accepts only the exact name of the voice and does not perform any internal matching or processing.

It is designed for future flexibility, enabling users to select new voices as they become available.






AIC.Set TTS Voice Any[|P1]



Parameter Explanation


P1 - (optional) The exact name of the TTS voice to be selected. This command requires the precise name and does not interpret or process the input.






' AIC.-Sample

' Set the TTS voice to "nova" using the exact name

AIC.Set TTS Voice Any|nova


' In the future, to set a new voice that has been added

AIC.Set TTS Voice Any|new-voice-name







This command is ideal for advanced users who are aware of the specific names of the TTS voices and wish to use voices that may not be available in the standard selection process.

The command relies on the user providing the exact correct name of the voice.

If an incorrect or non-existent voice name is provided, the result will be undefined.








See also: