Stable Diffusion - Shared Commands 

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 Stable Diffusion - Shared Commands 

SDL.Set Seed / SDL.See

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


SDL.Set Seed / SDL.See

Sets a new seed value for the random number generator in the Stable Diffusion image generation process for both SDO and SDL.





The SDL.Set Seed command is specifically designed to set a new seed value for the random number generator used in the Stable Diffusion image generation process.

This command is applicable for both SDO and SDL commands.

By setting a new seed, you can control the randomness in the image generation process.

Same Seed means - under some circumstances (Sampler plays a role) -> same result.

Additionally, the command places the current seed value on the TOS for further use or inspection.








SDL.Set Seed[|P1]



Parameter Explanation


P1: (Optional) The new seed value between 0 and 4294967295.

This value will be used for the random number generator in the Stable Diffusion image generation process. If omitted, a default value of 50 is used.








' SDL.-Sample for setting the seed value in Stable Diffusion


' Also available as SDL.Ss

SDL.Set Seed|100

' The new seed value for Stable Diffusion is now set to 100

' The current seed value will be placed on TOS


















See also: