Open AI - Whisper Commands

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Open AI - Whisper Commands

AIC.Translate to Any

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


AIC.Translate to Any

Translates the given text to a specified target language using ChatGPT.






The AIC.Translate to Any command is designed to translate a given text in P1 into a specified target language.

The translation is performed by ChatGPT and the result is stored in an optional variable P3 or on the Top of Stack (TOS).

You can choose all Languages supported by AIC.Get Language GPT.

This function is called internally to choose the language using P2.


As Whisper itself can only translate into english, we transcribe into english and then translate using ChatGPT.







AIC.Translate to Any|P1|P2[|P3]




Parameter Explanation


P1: The mp3-file with the Audio to be transcribed and translated.

P2: The target language to which the text should be translated.

P3: Optional variable to store the translated text. If omitted, the result is placed on the Top of Stack (TOS).







' AIC.-Sample


' Translates the mp3 to Spanish and stores it in $$TRA

AIC.Set Key|file


AIC.Translate to Any|$$FIL|Spanish|$$TRA  

















See also: