Stable Diffusion Commands

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Stable Diffusion Commands

SDL. Technical Details

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


Technical JSON details for the SDL.-Command

The JSON that is sent to the Local Stable Diffusion server





The used JSON is very different then what is sent to the Cloud Server using SDO. Also the technical details are not available Online, but only

when the local Server is running, via the URL:


This the complete List of parameters that can be used for the Local Server.


  "enable_hr": false,

  "denoising_strength": 0,

  "firstphase_width": 0,

  "firstphase_height": 0,

  "hr_scale": 2,

  "hr_upscaler": "string",

  "hr_second_pass_steps": 0,

  "hr_resize_x": 0,

  "hr_resize_y": 0,

  "hr_sampler_name": "string",

  "hr_prompt": "",

  "hr_negative_prompt": "",

  "prompt": "",

  "styles": [



  "seed": -1,

  "subseed": -1,

  "subseed_strength": 0,

  "seed_resize_from_h": -1,

  "seed_resize_from_w": -1,

  "sampler_name": "string",

  "batch_size": 1,

  "n_iter": 1,

  "steps": 50,

  "cfg_scale": 7,

  "width": 512,

  "height": 512,

  "restore_faces": false,

  "tiling": false,

  "do_not_save_samples": false,

  "do_not_save_grid": false,

  "negative_prompt": "string",

  "eta": 0,

  "s_min_uncond": 0,

  "s_churn": 0,

  "s_tmax": 0,

  "s_tmin": 0,

  "s_noise": 1,

  "override_settings": {},

  "override_settings_restore_afterwards": true,

  "script_args": [],

  "sampler_index": "Euler",

  "script_name": "string",

  "send_images": true,

  "save_images": false,

  "alwayson_scripts": {}



Currently the Implementation of SDL. uses only a Sub-Set of the most important Parameters.

You can add further Parameters using the SDL.Set Extra Parameter - Command.

















See also: