AIL. - AI-Local Systems (GPT4All)

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AIL. - AI-Local Systems (GPT4All)


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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


Ask GPT4ALL AI and receive answer(s)



With GPT4All the perfect Prompt Design is much more important then with GPT-4.




The AIL.Ask_GPT4All command in the Smart-Package Robot (SPR) allows users to use the AI available through GPT4All.

This command will call the AI and return the result.


More details and how it must be installed on your local Computer or in your Network see here.




AIL.Ask GPT4All|<Prompt>|<Variable for Answer>[|<Anwer-Return Rule>]



<Prompt>: The String that is send to the AI for processing.

<Variable for Answer>: Variable that will contain one or more answers depending on the settings.

<Anwer-Return Rule>: Can be "0" or "1". This Parameter will tell how many answers to return. "0" -> Return all answers, "1" - only the last answer.
Multiple answers will be generated if you use the AIC.Set Number - Command. Otherwise only one answer will be created and returned.


Example Usage:

AIL.Ask GPT4All|5


This example sets the number of outputs to be generated to 5.
This means that when you issue a command to generate content (e.g., text, images), it will produce 5 possibly different (see Temperature and Top_P Settings) outputs.








AIL.Ask GPT4All|P1[|P2][|P3]




Parameter Explanation


P1 - <Prompt>: The String that is send to the AI for processing.

P2 - opt. <Variable for Answer>: Variable that will contain one or more answers depending on the settings.

P3 - opt.  0/1 - Flag:  This flag is optional and is used to specify how the results should be returned when multiple results are expected. If you have set the number of expected results to a value higher than 1 using AIC.Set Number, this flag determines how the results are returned. If set to "1", only the last result will be returned. If set to "0" (or left as the default), all results will be returned.







' AIL.-Code Sample







GSB.Write_Log|SPR counted: $$ANZ Elements.$crlf$------------------------------$crlf$



  AIL.Set MaxToken|2048


  AIL.Set Number|1

  AIL.Set Temperatur|1




  GSB.Write_Log|Model: $$NUM


  $$TXT=Please analyze the given string of three-letter words, each ending with a dot: $crlf$


  $$TXT+$crlf$Count the number of words in the string and provide the result.$crlf$Sort the words in alphabetical order and display the final result.



  AIL.Ask GPT4All|$$TXT|$$RET


  AIC.Get Several|5|$$RAW

  GSB.Write_Log|Used Model: $$RAW
















In your Prompts, ensure Clarity and Precision: Articulate your prompt in a way that unambiguously communicates the desired output from the model. Refrain from using vague or open-ended language, as this can yield unpredictable outcomes.


Incorporate Pertinent Keywords: Embed keywords in the prompt that are directly associated with the subject matter. This guides the model in grasping the context and subsequently producing more precise content.


Supply Contextual Information: Should it be necessary, furnish the model with background information or context. This equips the model to formulate more informed and contextually relevant responses.


Engage in Iterative Refinement: Embrace the process of experimentation with a variety of prompts to ascertain which is most effective. Continuously refine your prompts in response to the output generated, making adjustments until the desired results are achieved.






See also: