AIC. - Artificial Intelligence Command

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AIC. - Artificial Intelligence Command

AIC.Clear Stop.

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


AIC.Clear Stop.

Removes all set stop sequences.





The AIC.Clear Stop command that allows you to clear all the stop sequences that have been set for the AI model.

This command is particularly useful when you want to reset the stop conditions to their default state or before setting new stop conditions.

The syntax for the AIC.Clear Stop command is as follows:


AIC.Clear Stop


This command does not require any additional parameters.

You can use the AIC.Clear Stop command when you want to remove all the stop sequences that have been set using the AIC.Set Stop or AIC.Add to Stop commands.

For example, if you have previously set the stop sequences to a newline character and the word "END", and you want to remove these stop sequences, you would use the command like this:


AIC.Clear Stop


After executing this command, the AI model will not have any stop sequences and will continue generating text until it is ready or until it reaches the maximum token limit.






AIC.Clear Stop



Parameter Explanation


No Parameters














The AIC.Clear Stop command is a tool to help you control the output of the model. The best way to use it can depend on your specific use case. It's a good idea to use this command when you want to start setting stop sequences from scratch.

After using the AIC.Clear Stop command, you can use the AIC.Set Stop or AIC.Add to Stop commands to set new stop sequences.








See also: