AIC. - Artificial Intelligence Command

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AIC. - Artificial Intelligence Command

AIC.Get Stop Count

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


AIC.Get Stop Count

Retrieves the total count of stop sequences currently set for the AI model.





The AIC.Get Stop Count command is a utility command that allows you to retrieve the number of stop sequences that have been set for the AI model.

This command is particularly useful when you want to know how many stop conditions are currently in effect.


The syntax for the AIC.Get Stop Count command is as follows:


AIC.Get Stop Count|$$RET

Here, $$RET is a variable that will hold the number of stop sequences currently set. If $$RET is omitted, the result is placed on top of the stack (TOS).


You can use the AIC.Get Stop Count command when you want to know how many stop sequences have been set using the AIC.Set Stop or AIC.Add to Stop commands.


For example, if you have previously set the stop sequences to a newline character and the word "END",

and you want to know how many stop sequences are currently set, you would use the command like this:


AIC.Get Stop Count|$$RET


After executing this command, the $$RET variable will hold the value 2, which is the number of stop sequences currently set.








AIC.Get Stop Count[|P1]



Parameter Explanation


P1 - (optional) variable that will hold the number of stop sequences currently set. If $$RET is omitted, the result is placed on top of the stack (TOS).

























See also: