Smart Package Robot 's "Script to Executable" Compiler

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Smart Package Robot 's "Script to Executable" Compiler

'#CIL: - Specify custom Options for the Compiler

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Used to specify custom options for the executable that is to be created.





Compiler-Directives start with the Sequence:


Which is a comment-sign on the left and then the #.


Because of the comment sign, the running script ignores these commands at Runtime (at time of script execution).



The '#CIL: Compiler Directive is used to directly write Options to the Compiler.
It's not needed for the "normal user". It enables advanced access to the Compiler-Internals.


For example:



If you omit the '#MAN: - directive, per default "asInvoker" is used for the compiled Package. The internally used MR01.exe (Robot-Executable) does not have an own Manifest therefore.








P1 -  Section: These can be one of the following values:

    - Rempara

    - RemRun

    - Remcust

    - Resourcen

    - VersioninfoA

    - VersioninfoB



P2 -  Key: These must be the key-value. These values represent internal variables in the Compiler-/Compilation Process.


   P3 -  Value: This is the value that is been assigned to the Key (P2). 






' Compiler Manifest



' This will set Version-info similar to "'#VER:" directive



' This is equivalent to the '#ICO:







Parameter Explanation:






Please use this command only, if you know what you are doing.

Inputs from this command are in many cases not checked for validity and can prevent the script from compiling as it should..







See also:

2.0.0 Smarty's EXE-Compiler

2.1.1 '#RAU: - Run As User

2.1.2 #AOS: - Choose valid OS for executable

2.1.3 '#EXE: - Set Executable Path and Name

2.1.4 '#EXV: - Execute on System Desktop

2.1.5 '#HID: - Hidden Desktop Scripts

2.1.7 '#SPI: - Special Instructions

2.1.8 '#INC: - Include Files and Folders into the Executable

2.1.9 '#EXC: - Exclude Files or Dirs from Executable

2.1.A #LIB: - User-Library Path

2.1.B #CRY: - enCrypt the Script

2.1.C '#AFT: - Run AFTER Compile

2.2.1 '#ICO: - Choose own Icon

2.2.2 '#ICF: - Icon from Icon-Folder

2.2.3 '#ICS: / '#ICS: Icon-Set

2.3.0. '#MAN: - Manifest for Executable

2.3.1. '#MAU: - UI-Access for Manifest for Executable

2.4.0. '#VER: - Version-Informations

2.5.0. '#CIL: - Direct Compiler Interface