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What is the GPX-Korrektor?


Did you know that you can add your hometown or other regions of the world to "Google Street View"?

Even if they are already in Street View, you can update the Data with newer versions.


Of course you will need a 360 Degree Camera like these:

Necessary 360 Degree Cameras.

or this one

or this one:


Next you will make a walk through the street or place that you want to add to/Update in Google Street View.

And you will record a 360 Degree Video, together with the necessary GPS-Data.

The GPS-Data will be stored in GPX-File.


For the first 2 Cameras it may be necessary to extract the GPS-Data using this free tool:

out of the Camera Video files.


Once you have the GPX-Files and you may have some ".mp4" Files that you have recorded.

Then you can go to:

and upload these files.


After some time (some days to 2 weeks)  your Uploads will be visible in Google Street View.

You will also see, how many people have seen your Uploads.




Now in some cases, the GPS-Coordinates have not been good enough to add the material to Street View.

In such case, Google may "throw an error message" like this one. Or it may accept the file which may result in (Picture 2).


clip0430 clip0492

Picture 1: Google is not satisfied with the GPS-Coordinates in the GPX-File.

Picture 2: Google took the unmodified Coordinates from the Camera/Smartphone and the result is not perfect.

               This will show up in the Street-View, as the "Marks on the Floor" will be on the wrong places" and not "In a Line".



Picture 3: The "Marks on the road" may be at the wrong place, if the uploaded Coordinates are not on the road.



This is where you can use the SPR or the GPX-Korrektor.


Also the SPR has now Scripting capabilities to work with XML-Files and Timestamps like "00:00:000", so if you can automate the process where possible.

If you can let an SPR-Script do "some corrections". This will be mostly the case if there are only corrections about the time-stamps.


In most cases the GPX-Extraktor is the tool of choice here, as you can move any Trackpoint
and you can also use the automatic corrections with the "Check and Repair" Button.




The GPX-Korrektor is an Add-On that can be used to interactively manipulate geograhical Coordiantes in a GPX-File.

The Program is optimized for usage with Google-Street View compatible Uploads.


So this program can help you to correct the GPS-Coordinates in a GPX-File before uploading the file to Street View.


The Program will need a BING-Maps Key to work.


The Main-Window shows on the right side a list with numbered GPS-Coordinate.

The Selected Coordinate is the starting Coordinate unless other Settings.

When you start the program only 1 Coordinate is display and also only if a Point is selected.

You need to select on or more points to update the Map-Display.

Even after changing Settings, it may be necessary to first select a Point to have the display updated.


You see on the Maps each GPX-Point as as Landmark with its number.


You have a ZOOM-Switcher Slider which you can use to change the ZOOM of the Map.






The following Picture shows the GPX-Korrektor Program with its 2 windows (Black Output Window, and Main Window).

Please do NOT Close the Output Window. Otherwise the Main Window will also be closed and all Data will be lost!






Here is my hometown "Dettenheim".

As you can see it is nearly completely added to Street View using the SPR and also did some Corrections, using the GPX Korrektor Utility.

In this process the Program was developed.


