1. Starting Guide

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1. Starting Guide

1.9.1 Types of controls

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Starting Guide


Listbox Control

What controls do we have to do with?



A Listbox Control is the representation of a digital list.


The Listbox Control.


This is a Listbox-Control. A listbox shows you a number of items. You can choose one or many items, by clicking at them with the mouse.




Here is a script to do just that. The LBE.-command will scroll the needed icon and is even able to check a Checkmark of a Listbox-Checkmark.

If LBE. doesn't work, try SAO. SAO. will however not scroll a Listbox, you have to bring the item into visible area yourself, using mouse or keyboard..



SCW.nct|2|ListBox|List-Item Nr.1

SAO.rn|34|List-Item Nr.4



' This will check a "Listbox checkmark"

STW.wct|45|TWizardForm|Setup - UltraVNC

SCW.wctd|45|TNewCheckListBox|Server Konfiguration:|5


LBE.UltraVNC &Desktop-Symbole anlegen||1





As window classes can be named freely by the programmer of an application, the window class can differ from this.

