AIC. - Recording Commands

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AIC. - Recording Commands

AIC.Record Synchron Button

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


AIC.Record Synchron Button

Initiates synchronous recording and starts the "Recording Button".



You can use the "Recording Button" to End the recording.





The AIC.Record Synchron Button command starts an synchronous audio recording (Background recording while the Script waits),

and also brings up the "Recording Button" that you need to end the recording.


Finally it will save the mp3-result to the specified file-name in P1. If P1 is omitted, the system will generate a file-name automatically.


In reality, this command initiates the audio recording while halting the script.


To stop the recording, press the STOP Button.

Of course the Recording will also end when the Script ends.


This command is configured to close the Recording Button once it was pressed.






AIC.Record Synchron Button[|P1][|P2]




Parameter Explanation


P1: Optional. The file name to which the audio will be recorded. If omitted, the system will generate a file name.

P2: Optional. Variable to store the file name used for recording. Useful when P1 is omitted and the system generates a file name. If omitted, the result is placed on the Top of Stack (TOS).






' IRS.-Sample


' We start the recording

AIC.Record Synchron Button||$$FIL


MBX.File was saved: $$FIL

















See also:


    1.6.1. Program Flow Control

    ! Smart Package Robot 's Parallel Robot Operations

    1.5. Features and Hints