AIC. - Recording Commands

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AIC. - Recording Commands

AIC.SetRec State

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


AIC.SetRec State

Sets the status of the recording process like if you press the STOP-Button.






The AIC.SetRec State command is designed to manually control the recording state.

This is useful for asynchroneus recording or for implementing custom logic that requires changing the recording state.


The command will set the recording state based on the value provided in P1.

If P1 is omitted, the command will use "0".

This is useful for scenarios where you want to programmatically control the recording state.








AIC.SetRec State[|P1]





Parameter Explanation


P1: Optional. A number that represents the desired recording state.

0 - Let recording run (default)

1 - Stop recording

2 - Invert the current state (if recording, then stop; if stopped, then record)






' AIC.-Sample


' This will stop the recording

AIC.SetRec State|1 

















See also: