AIC. - Artificial Intelligence Command

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AIC. - Artificial Intelligence Command

AIC.Set Positive Prompt

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MiniRobotLanguage (MRL)


AIC.Set Positive Prompt

If Result available





This command will set the Positive Prompt that is to be used with multiple AI-Engines, like WHISPER, Stable Diffusion etc.


The Positive Prompt Register is not automatically cleared.

The positive prompt register as well as the negative prompt register is not automatically cleared.

If you use it, for example for stable diffusion, and later you are going to use another AI, for example Whisper, then the prompt is still in the positive prompt register and may influence the result. Therefore make sure to explicitly set the positive and the negative prompt register before using any of the AI systems that are influenced by this register. Mostly important, this is possibly when using Whisper, as it's influenced by the positive prompt register.






AIC.Set Positive Prompt[|P1]

AIC.Set Prompt[|P1]





Parameter Explanation


P1 - (optional) Is the "Ticket Number" of a running Parallel Robot or background Operation. It can be omitted then the  last "Ticket Number" that was emitted is been taken.


IRS. can be nested to unlimited Depth, and they can also enclose Sub-Programm Calls or FEX. (Enumerations) to unlimited Depth.








' IRS.-Sample

















See also: