Set Model Commands

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Set Model Commands

AIC.Set TTS Model

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AIC.Set TTS Model

Sets or resets the Text-to-Speech (TTS) model





The AIC.Set TTS Model command is designed to select a specific Text-to-Speech (TTS) model for AI operations.
This command allows users to either set a specific TTS model or revert to the default model if no parameter is specified.

It is essential for customizing the voice synthesis process to suit different requirements.







TMP.[P1] … ELS. … EIF.



Parameter Explanation


P1 - (optional) the name of the TTS model to be set. If this parameter is omitted, the command will reset to the default TTS model.

Currently, two models are available:


tts-1-hd: High-definition TTS model (Default). May take a bit longer in processing.

tts-1: Standard TTS model. A bit faster yet a bit less quality.







' AIC.-Sample


' Example SPR-Script to set the TTS model to high-definition

AIC.Set TTS Model|tts-1-hd


' Reset to default TTS model

AIC.Set TTS Model








Availability of TTS models may vary and is subject to updates or changes by the AI service provider.

The specific characteristics and capabilities of each TTS model can differ.

New Models can be specified when they are available.








See also: